GIADEC, in line with its Master Plan, will develop four mining concessions; this will involve the expansion of the Awaso mine which is already in operation and the building of three additional ones (2 in Nyinahin-Mpasaaso and 1 in Kyebi).
Ghana currently does not have a bauxite – alumina refinery. All bauxite mined by the Ghana Bauxite Company is exported out of the country; with all alumina (refined bauxite) needed by VALCO for its operations, being imported. GIADEC in collaboration with its partners will develop, at least, two refineries with a combined capacity of 4-6 million tonnes of alumina (refined bauxite).

Project 1 – Expansion of existing Awaso mine and development of a refinery
The Awaso mine has been in existence since the 1940s. It currently mines approximately 1 million metric tonnes per annum of bauxite. In line with our plans to build an Integrated Aluminium Industry, the Awaso mine will be expanded to produce 5 million tonnes of bauxite annually.
The project will also include the construction and operation of a refinery with a capacity of approximately 1.6 million tonnes per annum.
Project 2 – Development of a mine at Nyinahin-Mpasaaso and a refinery solution
The project’s first phase is prospecting and mineral resource estimation (MRE). This work has been completed, and the MRE results are being finalised.
Following Phase 1, there will be preparatory work and Mine development. The refinery solution will be delivered concurrently with Mine development.
GIADEC will ensure the development of Ghanaian capacity through the implementation of local content policies and laws.
Even at this early stage, the positive economic impact of Rocksure International Limited’s activities are visible, including the creation of jobs for local youth.

Project 3 – Development of a 2nd mine at Nyinahin-Mpasaaso, a mine at Kibi, and construction of a refinery
Project 3 will establish a mine in Kyebi and a second mine in the Nyinahin-Mpasaaso area. Each mine to produce up to 5 million metric tonnes of bauxite per year. The project will also include the construction of a refinery. Following a three-stage Investor Engagement process, GIADEC has selected a preferred partner to execute Project 3. The official announcement of this partner is imminent. Drilling and Mineral Resource Estimation are expected to start soon after the official announcement.