Communities within which GIADEC operates are not only seen as operational areas but as key stakeholders in the activities of the corporation.
GIADEC, through its operations strives to create sustainable economic communities through value creation and social benefits to help improve the general standard of living throughout the mine life and life after.
Our approach leads to creating self-sustaining communities through respect for cultural heritage by recognizing physical and spiritual connections that communities have with the land, water, plants, and animals.

Communities, termed as operational areas for GIADEC are:
- Atewa Operational Area
- Nyinahin Operational Area
- Mpasaaso Operational Area
- Awaso Operational Area
Community engagements by GIADEC are underpinned with the object to:
- Create receptive communities
- Build platforms for dialogue
- Develop communities through facilitation and interventions
GIADEC’s community engagement in the operational areas is guided by the key principles of the corporation geared towards:
- Access and value creation for the communities
- To inform decision-making surrounding our business
Enhance stakeholder relationships through an instituted 19-Member Committee in the operational areas.