Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation (GIADEC) was established by an Act of Parliament, the Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation Act, 2018 (Act 976) – to develop and promote a globally competitive Integrated Aluminium Industry (IAI) in Ghana.

Empowered by its object under the Act 976, GIADEC will hold and manage all of Government of Ghana (GoG)’s current and future interest and investments in the IAI which includes the entire value chain in the production of aluminium. GIADEC currently has GoG’s entire shares in two (2) existing companies – Volta Aluminium Company Limited (VALCO) and Ghana Bauxite Company Limited (GBC).

GIADEC is seeking to partner with strategic investors including local participation across the entire bauxite and aluminium value chain – mining, refinery, smelter, and downstream industries. GIADEC, together with a Ghanaian private partner shall hold not less than 30% stake in any new IAI venture involving a mine, refinery, or smelter.

The implementation of Ghana’s IAI includes the execution of four (4) key projects which involve the expansion of two existing operations and the development of two additional ones through joint venture partnerships.

To promote a globally competitive Integrated Aluminium Industry (IAI) in Ghana.

The underlisted projects make up GIADEC’s four key projects:

Project 1

Expansion of existing mine at Awaso and building of a refinery

Project 2

Development of a mine at Nyinahin-Mpasaaso and a refinery solution

Project 3

Development of a mine at Kyebi, a second mine at Nyinahin-Mpasaaso, and building of a refinery

Project 4

The modernisation and expansion of the VALCO smelter to improve efficiency and increase capacity

Through a series of engagements with Government of Ghana stakeholder organisations, GIADEC has developed a Strategic Outline Masterplan for Ghana’s IAI.

The outline masterplan underpins the execution of Ghana’s IAI and informs our investors and stakeholders. The document also highlights the following:

  • All the key components such as infrastructure, allied industries, and the regulatory, statutory and environmental frameworks required to support the IAI in Ghana;
  • Supporting infrastructure projects and timing for completion.


Ghana’s downstream aluminium industry is currently anchored by The VALCO smelter which produces primary aluminium.  20% of what VALCO produces is used by local entities producing semi-processed and end-user materials. The products produced locally include electrical cables and conductors, holloware (including pots and pans) and roofing sheets.

GIADEC’s vision for the downstream is to drive the utilisation of locally produced aluminium products in Ghana and beyond.    Each year, Ghana imports up to 45,000 tonnes of aluminium products and GIADEC’s aim is to have many of these products produced locally, instead.  There are many opportunities to increase the local production of aluminium products in the construction, automotive and packaging sectors, amongst others. Through partnerships and in concert with other agencies, GIADEC will encourage the local production of aluminium products, thereby substituting current imports and the development of markets across the continent through enabling environments such as the AfCFTA, and globally.