GIADEC’s stakeholder engagement borders on access and value creation underpinned by our core value – to empower our people, which boldly informs decisions surrounding our businesses and activities.
Stakeholders, to GIADEC, are bodies who have an interest in the activities of the corporation either as individuals, groups or representatives affected by our activities and can influence our decision.
Stakeholder engagement provides a platform for all identified stakeholders to gain an in-depth understanding of GIADEC’s operations, gather information for the formulation of plans and policies with the overarching objective of building collaborative partnerships needed to obtain a social license to operate.
Obtaining the License to Operate, which is part of GIADEC’s strategic pillars underpins our stakeholder engagement.
With effective stakeholder mapping through a collaborative process of research, identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing; the following units are referred to as key stakeholders to GIADEC’s IAI project agenda.

GIADEC’s stakeholder engagement involves stakeholder mapping and direct contact with identified stakeholders. This is done through lasting relationships built on trust, transparency, sincerity, involvement, and personal contacts, driven towards sustainable value creation.
Stakeholders’ interests in our activities directly or indirectly shape and influence decisions taken by GIADEC; hence, engagement with them is highly prioritized by the corporation.
GIADEC is responsible for ensuring its stakeholders freely and openly participate in matters and activities that impact their lives while tracking issues of concern for redress and consideration. This is done through direct contact to promote trust and transparency.
GIADEC is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the aluminium value chain. Our stakeholders cut across all levels, spanning from the central government, allied state institutions, CSOs/NGOs, traditional heads, and communities, with whom the corporation engages through guiding principles.